this game is pretty awesome
survival mode didn't unlock for me when I beat keyboard mode though. Also tab + mousemode equals WIN!
really fun though, I love it when there's tons of enemies all around.
this game is pretty awesome
survival mode didn't unlock for me when I beat keyboard mode though. Also tab + mousemode equals WIN!
really fun though, I love it when there's tons of enemies all around.
this was awesome
normally these games for movies and such suck really bad, but this one was actually super fun. Can't wait for the movie!
your game sucks my balls
but I beat it mother fucker.
Really though, don't pretend you came into this with the intention to have glitchy controls and hit boxes. Maybe you justified it to yourself after realizing it would be a lot of work to polish up the game, but I wouldn't call it a success. If this was the same game it was, but with good controls and hit tests it would probably become a cult favorite similar to IWTBTG. However it's soon going to become forgotten and will get probably a fraction of the views it would have gotten anyways, really the only reason anybody plays it is for the medals. Either way, congratulations on making a crappy game.
Almost Perfect!
I wish there was just a little more diversity in the game, i.e. more classes, more control over fighting, more quests, more everything really... There is quite a bit in this game already though, and it's one of the best games I've played here. It's really really fun, although it gets a bit easy eventually. I wish that there would be harder enemies and that tournaments would get harder as well (and so give more fame as the year progressed).
There's a few bugs with the medals. First is of course that they give 0 points. The other thing is that you don't get the apprentice buster medal after killing the apprentice, instead you get it after completing the first year with no penalties. So you also don't get the perfect career medal after completing the first year with no penalties. It would be awesome if you could add a "resend" medals button or something so that I don't have to start over to get that medal since it took forever. The win 10 tournaments medal also takes a while, I think it should be 5 instead. Doesn't matter that much though I guess.
Weird... I dont know why the medals have 0 points... Still tinkering with the code... Sorry for my dumbness :(
well, I guess it's okay
It failed at being serious or causing the viewer to think in a different way. The game tries to be serious, but keeps everything at a very superficial level with no deeper inspection. You get a few points for style and trying to do something different, but overall I think it was a failure. At most it made me feel a little bit annoyed.
god damn it
this game's hit detection is absolutely awful! I will give you some points for it's kind of a fun little game, and I like the music and the levels are generally good; but the hit detection is among the worst I've ever seen. Thanks for the walkthough at least. Also, the next video game star medal still does not work - although it pops up in game it didn't unlock for me.
The only possible way to get it is if you play each level one at a time and then when you get the hang of it start over and keep starting over until you don't die at all. This way took me forever to beat the game and then I still don't get the medal; it's really really really really annoying.
I beg to disagree, check your medals now, is that a 'THE NEXT VIDEO GAME STAR'? medal on your profile? Congratulations!
At first I hated it...
But then I grew to appreciate the greatness that it is. It really is one of the best physics puzzle games I've ever played before. I really like the flow of the game and the music fits very well with it. The user created maps are fun too and the level editor is easy to use, which is much appreciated. You should almost think about releasing a Eon Players Pack; where you select your favorite levels out of the game. I would at least milk the idea for one or two more games, since it would be so easy after you did all this work already.
The only thing is I wish there was a way to see if you were under par in a level without beating it. I'm pretty sure I got under par in all 3 categories for every map, but I didn't get the amateur, pro, or champion medals. And I don't want to rebeat the whole game just to find one level where I forgot to get par in something. Also do you need to get par in all three categories on a single run, or does it just mean your best in all three categories needs to be under par? Thanks!
pretty good
Fun little game, a bit repetitive and unoriginal; but overall very good. Wish there was a bit more story to it or something, I didn't really feel emerged in the game. I did like the upgrade system a lot though. You can also beat the game really easy by just losing on levels that have the dream piece go by and replaying them.
cute and fun
fun little game that accomplishes exactly what it sets out to do. I like short simple games, so this is a nice little time waster. One thing is when I play the day levels my score starts off at 190k, whereas if I play night levels my score starts at 0 as I assume it should. Just a note.
Yeah that was my bad, it's fixed now!
Age 37, Male
Joined on 10/24/04